Once you’ve found the home you like, read through the disclosures provided by the seller and listing agent. In St Lucia you may have to find your own Property Valuator.
The property and pest inspections, the seller’s disclosures, and the Land register are all included in the disclosures. To assist you in reviewing the disclosures, our representatives will offer you with a summary of the key points.
Valuation Report on the Property
The inspector’s judgment on the home’s plumbing, electrical systems, foundation, roof, and overall condition is included in the property inspection. This valuation report will include all of the issues discovered by the inspector. The cost estimates are not provided by the property appraiser. In most cases, issues discovered during property inspections are not addressed by the seller, and you must remedy them.
Disclosures by the Seller
The seller’s disclosures answer queries like if any renovation has been done and, if so, whether it was done with permits.
Land Register
The land register, which you can get at the land registry in Castries, ensures that the seller may transfer the property with clear title and without any liens impeding the transaction. The Land Register lists any liens that may exist on the property, such as Mortgages and judgements from the courts. Problems in transferring title are uncommon and can be easily resolve through your attorney.
Documents for Homeowners Associations (HOAs)
If you’re looking at a townhouse or condominium, the HOA documentation will almost certainly be included in the disclosures or will be available soon. The level of financial reserves, if any lawsuit or special levies are imminent, and whether there are plans to significantly increase HOA dues are all important factors to examine. In contrast to the interest you pay on your mortgage,
Dues to a homeowners’ association are not tax deductible. You and our agent will go over the disclosures together and talk about any questions or concerns you have about the material. You should only consider making an offer once you are satisfied with the disclosures.